ah ah....
His religious view, a more human and contemp view, about God and Job's situation....
in Answer to Job
It is so interestingly similar in terms of the intensity and destruction & creativity impacted on me and that between the breakup of Jung & Freud, and my own breakup with my academic father, and in a way only have I realized that I need to grow up and stand up as an independent woman...
Today's discoveries about Jung
3:13 AM
busy like ....
I am in "deep water fire hot" Chinese saying for sooooo busy in the deepest shxt...
have so much homework to turn in today....
I think I'd di....e.....
ah My Lord help help!
our culture relentlessly seduce us to emptiness and disconnection from God
Dearest David,
What you said is soooooooooooo succinctly true!
Allow me to quote you and share with many Christians and non-Christians here:
"What I have learned (at considerable personal cost) about being disconnected from God is that this division is always the result of my looking to the world for purpose rather than our Creator. Inevitably, after some consternation, I awaken to the reality that our cultural compasses are perpetually disorienting.
Contemporary culture relentlessly encourages us, even seduces us, to irrevocably link our identity to its trappings -- what we do, what we have, who we're with, and he like. But all of these connections are temporal. In the end, if we take our bearings from the culture around us, we are destined to experience emptiness, which it then offers to fill with various distractions and forms of sedation."
I have to say, you put it in words my deepest worry and sadness....
Let me keep praying...