今日同福的何牧師第三堂崇拜續講Rev 2:8-11 [至死不渝的忠心][Not til death shall we part our loyalty]. 背景是不認皇帝的神就要殺, 士每拿教徒及主教多被殺或收監及財物被擄, 忠心至死. John encouraged them, DON't GIVE UP. 苦難的日子有限期, 生命的冠冕無限期.
最令我入心的是: 牧師講Satan的三樣weapons:
1) Arrogence驕傲;
2) Jealousy妒忌;
3) 叫人氣餒而至失去勇氣的小針, 時不時 令我們感受短暫的痛楚而不想再站起來
Needle of discouragement --> timidity
Alpha 和Graham Festival 都快開始了, 我們不要氣餒呀, 繼續不住的為福音對象禱告呀!!!!
a) 11月30日 有葛福臨... 29/11-2/12
b) 12月7日 真理堂有金培達 信仰分享會
c) 12月8 日 真理堂有Alpha 聚餐, 讓人去一次過決定報不報15/12 Alpha Course 的第一堂. 去了第一堂後再決定是否去下一堂. 所以大家可以廣邀人來Come & See, 再決定.
Only two of the 7 churches not being scolded by Apostle John:
And to the angel of the church in Smyrna say: .."I have knowledge of your troubles and how poor you are (but you have true wealth...you may be put to the test; and you will have great trouble for ten days. Be true till death, and I will give you the crown of life. ..He who overcomes will not come under the power of the second death.
(Text in English & Chinese in case Chinese cannot be decoded. 有中有英是讓中文有亂碼情況可知一二)
I can't read the text. Can you put in word doc and re-send ? Thanks.
Dear ,
Thanks a lot.
You are the 2nd people who sent me the sermon of Rev. Ho (3 weapons of
satan) to me. It encouraged me !
Let's remember one another in prayer.
God bless,
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