Amazing LIFE. What can limit the meaning and value of LIFE given by God????
Nick's" Testimony
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I am blessed in whatever situation life brought me into.
I shall continue with my struggle too.
Add oil!
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Most families in my hometown are cultural Buddhist, and same for mine. But I studied 16-17 years in Catholic schools, then I made an educated and sincere conversion to Tin Toaism in my late teens. Got such a big objection from my parents. And finally, after one of my biggest struggle in my life, I converted to Christianity.
10:13 AM
Hi Hi....
Very very nervous...I hope my German vocabulary are still with me.. after some last minute revision.
I have been catching up with my Thai today and the whole of tonight. I hope I am doing fine.
I know I can catch up with my Thai reading and comprehension as the Thai vocabulary are not too difficult. I may have to do more revision on my oral later on, right before my Thai Oral.
But Now I have to focus again on my German. It is my last chance of studying it seriously. I guess I have to live on whatever level I have now in the coming years, as I really don't have any chance of learning more.
What about you?
Would you pray for me? I have my German Oral Exam in 16 hrs.
I have to revise the related vocabulary: environment protection, food, weather, travelling, family & relationships, aging, employment and emigration. Some basic present, and past tense.
Please help me.
I have not been working on my other areas in these few days...
Help me to concentrate and to use the remaining time sensibly.
I also have to have a realistic picture of my limitations and capabilities.
Best regards.
10:46 AM
I like to learn languages.
But I am at the very bad stage.
However, I still like to put in effort, and enjoy learning the
vocabulary and increasing my comprehension of the language.
The day after tomorrow is my oral exam for German.
Then at the end of the month, I have the three-hour written exam for German.
I need to find time to attend private make-up class in Thai with my
very kind Ah Caan (Thai teacher). .... I am way way behind....
I shall have my Thai mission interview soon, probably at the end of April...
Still not make any progress in my PsyD nor my Symptom paper, that is
quite horrible, my laziness, I have to admit.
On the edge of PsyD bankrupcy
I intend to pray with K of my German exam on 23 - 25 Apr, and my Thai exam on 3 - 8 May. Each has a written exam which I can't really cope because of my poor grammar and lack of vocabulary. Also an oral exam for each of the language with an external examiner.
On the other hand I still have a 6 assignments 3 months overdue; 1 assignments 2 weeks overdue; 1 book 2 months overdue.
And I have big decisions in my research direction which would impact on my CP development, career development, and my divine call actualization...
And I have 2 papers due to submit to a journal for many months of which I haven't started on them at all......I feel so much behind everything that I ...
God My Father... why am I doing this all by myself? Where can I and how come I do not seek for you, your power, your take-over?
-----------------I dreamed to be hold by you tightly in your arms, in your support & encouragement, attention and understanding but you are only prepared to help me if I have some small or material problem.
He is not KB any longer.
Maybe in the States...
5:54 PM
KB and I's most favorite musician and singer. Her music first came to KB in a UK old bookstore, if I remember correctly. I was introduced to her art pieces through KB's random search of his music library for something that tick my nerves.
Wow!! There Loreena was!
When is her next album?? Can't wait to have more of her music and nice vocals.
Loreena McKennitt,
2:06 AM
My Playlist for Jazz and Quiet Time
My Playlist for Taize Meditation music
My Playlist for Chinese hymns
1:14 AM
This is a fantastic tale told by a neuroanatomist who suffered a massive stroke in her left brain, and recovered.
12 March 2008 Quoting from TEDBlog Ideas worth spreading
Stroke of insight: Jill Bolte Taylor on
Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story of recovery and awareness -- of how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another.
(Recorded February 2008 in Monterey, California. Duration: 18:44.)
Watch Jill Bolte Taylor's talk on, where you can download it, rate it, comment on it and find other talks and performances.
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NEW: Read the transcript >>
Two and a half weeks after the hemorrhage, the surgeons went in and they removed a blood clot the size of a golf ball that was pushing on my language centers.
Jill Bolte Taylor,
12:27 AM
9:42 AM