Chinese summary of Rev Smedes' passage
Love is an uncommon power to cope with common suffering.
Suffering is having to endure what we very much want not to endure.
The sufferer is a prisoner, stuck with unwanted misery.
The paradox of longsuffering is that we must choose to suffer long. To suffer is to be a victim; to be long-suffering is in a sense to be free.. Longsuffering is when we make a decision for what we do not want, choose to live indefinitely with what we hate. This is the paradox that makes longsuffering a creative art of living: the power to be a creative victim.
Longsuffering is not passive, it is a tough, active, aggressive style of life. The power of affirming and creating life in the midst of suffering.
The source of power is divine love.
- --> Agapic love is the liberating power that moves us toward our neighbor with no demand for rewards.
Erotic love, on the other hand, has no power for longsfuffering. Eros is desire. It drives us toward something because we are at a loss without it. Eros reaches out beyond one's lonely self becasue alonesness hurts. Eros is always the passion to overcome suffering, but it can be frustrated, betrayed, burned out, eros is destined for suffering, as Eros cannot wait.
There are limits to longsuffering.
Love's power make us able to suffer long. We don't know when it ends, it is long but it is not endless. God draws that line to stop when it is time.
Love is your power to suffer longer than you think you can. But only you can tell (from God) when you ought to stop. Do not lost contact with love, before you decide to stop suffering. For the rest, keep attuned to the Spirit and keep your eyes open to what is really going on in your life.
Marriage is a special case because martial longsfufering is done within a covenant. Covenants are broken because people live by eros alone and turn their backs on the power of agape. Agape is the power to suffer the pains of frustrated and rejected and betrayed erotic love, and it is the power to suffer them long. How long? No one can draw the line for others. Maybe when I turn off suffering for the sake of my pleasure, I turn it off too soon.
Longsuffering is not acceptance of evil.
To suffer evil takes patience and courage: to bear with it even though we reject it. It is a power developed within reality.
To accept evil is to capitulate/affirm to it that it is good in order to escape its horror. It is a denial of reality.
We are sinners, but God accepts praise from us in the midst of evil. He will have no praise for evil.
Suffering long has a positive purpose.
Love is the courage to love life and be glad for it.
Love is the courage to discover that life is not completely tied to the precious goods we have lost or have not yet found.
The model of longsfuffering love is God himself. Why does hi not let us finish ourselves off with all our sins?
Love suffers long so that time can be created for redemptive powers to do their work, so that justice can be fought for without hasty and needless violence, so that reconciliation may be possible.
Love suffers long so that suffering can finally cease..
And when love gives us the power to suffer long, love also gives us the power to see reasons for rejoicing while we suffer.
Chinese version: 愛是恆久忍耐
Love Suffers Long
Summarize from L. B. Smedes. Love withing limits: realizing selfless love in a selfish world
撮要自 已故牧師Rev. LB. Smedes之「愛在限制中: 在自私的世界中實踐無私的愛Love within limits: realizing selfless love in a selfish world. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1979. 」 Rev. Smedes was a retired minister in the Christian Reformed Church, a former ethics professor at Fuller Theological Seminary.
1 Cor 13,
Love within limits,
Rev Smedes,
9:41 AM
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thanks for the comment.
But I confess that I didn't understand what "Grapo" means...
Hi hi Tania!!!
I want to say "Grupa"...or Great, excellent in Spanish..
I guess I spelled it so wrong that it is unrecognizable!!!!
It is a bit I thought everybody use Spanish on your blog...:)
The power of LOVE is beyond imagination.
This is really a topic we should think through more.
Many thanks for your sharing !
May God's love flows over you !
Well done. It's a good time to share this topic on the Valentina day.
I wish have more beloved feeling than suffering.
Thanks for the sharing.
Thanks. It's a nice article as you said.
Shall I send it to somebody else?
Yes of course!!!
I'd send one per week/fortnight, as there are 14 reflections by Rev Semedes, and I have abridged each into 1-2 pages.
Or go to the links I pass to you & Ellis as i'd also upload to those blogs.
Do u think it looks better on the doc than on the blogs??? I think it is easier to read on my doc, right? That's how my students read them and then we discuss in class, they've asked useful questions as they go along... but I didn't put them down...
If you are interested in missiology, some interesting facts in south-east asia, I do put up some in my Thay mission blog. I think I can really go to my church's short missionary trip in Northeastern Thailand in July (as I have no intensive course at that time)!!! I am praying for them and my Thai teacher too. Maybe I'd stay over a few more days to visit around (maybe with my family)....
Facts about Missiology in Asia
有牧師說:「don't read the bible,study the bible」
Happy for your seriousness in Bible study!
New King James Version, 1 Cor 12:31 "Dao" is way or method, as verse 31 said, Paul is going to show Christians the way or How : "But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you the more excellent way."
Paul wrote to invite Christians to seek earnestly for this higher spiritual gift of love (agape love). "Way" here in Greek is the travelled way, and not as in Chinese meaning teaching, love here (1 Cor 12:31 - 13:4) in Greek is "Agape" as u said, if u check the sentence structure, Agape Love here refer to spiritual gift, and not as a teaching.
In Chinese "the larger gift", "larger" in Greek is great in comparative form (greater) and is actually more often used as great in superlative form (greatest) --> Greatest gift. See 6 different translations below.
ASV 1 Corinthians 12:31 But desire earnestly the greater gifts. And moreover a most excellent way show I unto you.
KJV 1 Corinthians 12:31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.
NIV 1 Corinthians 12:31 But eagerly desire the greater gifts. And now I will show you the most excellent way.
NRS 1 Corinthians 12:31 But strive for the greater gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way.
RSV 1 Corinthians 12:31 But earnestly desire the higher gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way.
YLT 1 Corinthians 12:31 and desire earnestly the better gifts; and yet a far excelling way do I shew to you:
Therefore, in 1 Cor 12:31, Paul is referring agape love as the highest spiritual gifts that all Christians should desire and seek for. And it is the larger 1 among the 3: hope, faith, love, 1 Cor 13.
Let's be blessed by God's love, and we love because God love us first.
Add oil ah!!!!
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