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Baile, Danz... I love

Since my 2002 Flamenco trip....this is the first time I am picking up dancing again, just for myself, not for any degree, anyone else, just for myself.

The passion of dance, movement, caring about myself, my body.



1 comment:

David said...


I indeed forgot your love for dance. You are very brave wanting to dance for self-expression.

My wife and I learned some ballroom dances in 2005/2006. We learned the Foxtrot, Waltz, Rumba, Tange, and Cha-Cha-Cha.

The Waltz and Rumba are our favorite and our best dances. One waltz we did for a holiday showcase inspire an onlooker to tell us our dance almost made her believe in love again.

We found out later this women has been long divorced. A sad commentary. I do not need to tell you anything about such pain.

What this poor women had not found in her life is that without embracing Christ and appreciating his great gifts to humankind one cannot know the joy of His love for His flock.

May you have a blessed weekend and may the peace of our Lord always be with you!


All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have
not seen.

-- Emerson