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Prayer 15 Alpha and Franklin Graham

pPsalm 34:8-10
O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. 你們要親自體驗,就知道耶和華是美善的;投靠他的人,都是有福的
O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. 耶和華的聖民哪!你們要敬畏他,因為敬畏他的一無所缺。
The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing. 壯獅子有時還缺食挨餓,但尋求耶和華的,甚麼好處都不缺。


Anonymous said...

多謝你呀~~ 我也好感謝主, 因為看過你的訊息後, 原本被工作弄得半死的我; 現在卻突然的像從新得力一樣! 上帝的說話真是滿有能力啊! 我不得不將頌讚歸給我們的天父!

唔..... 我都要加緊的為到葛福倍佈道會多多禱告先!


大家加油呀! 多作主工~~~

主內amy hychan

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much really. It was better than thousand words. Just the right verse at the right time during my hard day with great work pressure. Thks again, and don't give up sending us all these. You never know it can be a blessing for someone, who know?

18 Nov, up in TFS. So happy to meet up with me there and told me all about the happiness and reassurence she got after reading these 2 verses.

Jesus' Gal said...

I am very thankful too!! Thanks for your email !!! I am very happy and I feel blessed too, knowing that it gave your STRENGTH at the RIGHT TIME!!!!!!
I remember and I totally agree, and keep saying that to myself: --->
你話: "一句聖經, 勝過千言萬語" (one verse of bible is better than thousand words) It is indeed soooooooooooo true!!!!!!!!!!!
所言甚是呀, 真係!!!!
Add oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!